Who is Chris Lovett?

"Chris was a breath of fresh air and got us all to think about how we live and work in a new, simpler way. I would recommend him to anyone looking to really take control of their busy lives. Super engaging!"
Vanessa C, Director & Board Member.
Introducing Chris Lovett: Simplicity expert, coach, TED speaker, minimalist, and acclaimed author.
With the release of his bestselling book, "Discovery of Less," a captivating TEDx talk, and appearances on top-ranked podcasts worldwide, Chris has emerged as a sought-after luminary. He has empowered busy individuals across more than 50 countries, liberating them from the shackles of busyness to unlock their true potential and make a profound impact.
The result? The cultivation of enhanced professional superpowers, enabling sustainable work practices and emancipating us from the chaotic grip we find ourselves in. And not just a temporary escape, but a lasting liberation.
Expect heightened productivity, improved well-being, freedom from menial tasks, a reduction in mind-numbing meetings, the adoption of modern behaviors, a release from the burden of stress, a heightened sense of awareness, refined leadership skills, and the invaluable gift of more time for what truly matters.
No longer caught in the whirlwind of busyness, Chris Lovett guides us towards a path of impactful productivity. It's time to embrace a life being less busy and having more impact.
But for those of you who love a good hero origin story, heres where it all began...
A number of years ago, Chris Lovett thought he had everything he wanted.
A home, car, the latest gadgets, two wardrobes of clothes, a decent paying, but stressful, job and plenty of stuff (plus debt). Even though he had accumulated everything society said he was supposed to have, he was deeply unfulfilled. He realised that he had drifted through his personal and professional life without really taking ownership.
In fact, everything else had taken ownership of him.
He was doing loads of work, but not much of it made any real impact. He was exhausted and burnt out, but didn't know it.
After stumbling on clutter in his living room, He decided to sell a few items around the home that weren't being used and that small disruption led him to let go of literally everything, including all the assumptions about a fulfilling career and what success meant. He used minimalism to remove anything from his life that didn't add value or make him better.
Friends encouraged him to share his story in the hope that it would inspire others. Podcast appearances and keynotes all of a sudden became a regular occurrence. A book quickly followed and people around the world started to change their personal and professional lives by adopting a simpler approach. Disruption was happening. Less was becoming more, the ripple effect was in full flow and it was having empowering impacts on businesses, teams, entrepreneurs, customers, families and the planet.
Oh and the relationship with our pets too. His dog Daisy would agree.
After his personal life was simplified, He then found a professional life that was meaningful and sustainable. The money, time and energy he would have spent on DVDs and fast fashion, he instead invested in himself and became a multi-disciplined professional coach supporting talented individuals and teams to reach their goals and unlock their potential.
The minimalist principles that made him happier in his personal life, he started to experiment with in a work context and new results started happening. Everything was clicking into place nicely, meaningful work that made a difference, aligning to values with plenty of time to continue to grow and go on adventures. He shed the busyness of before. He was doing less, but better. Even his income increased!
However, he quickly spotted a problem...
With each talented person, team and organisation he worked with, he found that the pressures of modern professional life quickly became overwhelming and relentless. Increased workloads and record levels of burnout were negatively impacting peoples creativity, progression, relationships and wellbeing. Their time was being hijacked by back to back meetings, excessive emails and the urgency of downsizing organisations.
The highly skilled people he coached that were once highlighted as successors, future leaders and innovators were now struggling to keep their head above water.
Their ideas, creativity and influence was buried under the daily grind. They went from inspiring to, well, just busy. There wasn't enough time in the day to do all the work that was on their ever increasing plate. These bright lights were quickly being dimmed by false corporate urgency, old rules, assumptions and busy work.
Those lights were burning out.
Being excessively busy had become their normal. It's become normal for all of us.
Burnout has increased to record levels and it's killing us. I see it everyday.
Seeing the future of organisations become overworked, overwhelmed and over busy hit him. Hard. These people were supposed to help us all with the challenges of today and tomorrow. They were supposed to lead the next generation. They were supposed to be healthy wives, husbands, parents, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, partners, friends. Pillars in their communities. Instead they just ended up just being busy all the time, stuck in a loop of fighting virtual fires, going to unnecessary meetings and reacting to the latest and loudest thing in their inbox.
So he now supports individuals, teams and organisations be less busy and have more impact by providing the tools and awareness to implement a unique approach to simplify their personal and professional lives.
Our personal and professional lives are rapidly evolving, yet we still seem stuck fire fighting, reacting and using old tools to tackle new challenges. All whilst over consuming, over thinking and over working. We now need to find more sustainable ways live and work simpler in order to make a bigger difference in the world.
The words of his experiences and teachings have touched thousands of lives in over 50 countries and have been featured on prominent business and lifestyle platforms such as Marie Claire, HR Magazine, LifeHack and global chart topping podcasts like Private Parts, Law of Attraction Changed My Life, Power Hour and I Wish They Knew. He's talked at festivals, wellbeing events, organisations and associations across the UK and beyond sharing the message that the way to gain sustainable modern success is perfecting the art of simplifying.
Now you know a bit more about what I do, here are some 'fun' facts...
- I can't burp. Yes, it's a thing.
​- I was once voted 'best legs' at a football tournament. It was 1997 but still counts I think.
- I was a radio DJ for 5 years and got warned multiple times for swearing live on air
- I've watched Ghostbusters over 100 times
- I'm an award winning doggie parent*
*self proclaimed
I am more with less, many people are and you can be too.
Feel free to follow Chris on the socials below for regular simplicity tips and thought provoking ideas to support you in your personal and professional life. Ready to simplify?